Saturday, May 14, 2016

Activities on a beef farm

Friday was veterinarian visit day. He came to determine if the beef cows had "settled" (were pregnant) and also to take care of a couple of other maintenance items with the dairy cows. So all the beef cows were brought up into the "handling system" and one-by-one processed through.

The cattle go up into a corral system over to the right (behind Jimmy) and then he separates them into smaller groups into the area right behind the chute.

Regina controls the gate of the chute - making sure that the cow gets her head through but not her shoulders - it is a carefully timed maneuver to get the cow set just right so the vet can do his inspection. Let's just say it is a manual inspection...

These are the ones that have already been checked.

Once it is all over, the ones who have "settled" are sent out to new pasture which they were very happy about. There were a few not so happy - 3 babies got weaned today so their moms aren't as happy and we're hearing the serenade back and forth, and two of the cows who have had issues with "settling" before weren't pregnant at this point either, so they have also been separated out. They will go to auction in the next week or so.
Jimmy and Dwayne took a load of calves to the feedlot on Thursday, being fed out as their final step before going into the freezer. Some of these are for the pasture raised beef - if you are in the southeastern Virginia area and want DELICIOUS tender beef, check it out!!pasture-raised-beef/imyk5

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