Sunday, August 14, 2016


We drove about an hour and a half north and a little west from Gander to Dildo Run Provincial Park, just south of Twillingate, Newfoundland. We drove into Twillingate after we got the rig parked and hooked up.
We started at the Durrell Museum that was atop a hill with great views.
I think this is looking out over Durrell Arm (a bay out to the North Atlantic)

I think this is looking back toward Twillingate.

While visiting the museum, we saw a polar bear that came into this area in 2000. They do not commonly come here, though they can travel across the ice and get here if they are drawn by the smell of seals. This one had to be shot due to danger to humans, and was subsequently stuffed and put onto display here.
 The museum had lots of local household items that would have been used in the past... as well as items associated with the cod fishing in the area.
One of the photographs on the wall was of Elizabeth - center, now queen of England, when she was a child with her mom and dad (the King) and sister Margaret Rose on the right.
From the museum we drove into Twillingate and got some fish and chips, and then out to Crow Head lighthouse which had a beautiful overlook into the North Atlantic. Evidently this is a great place to see icebergs up through July... but not in August... :-(

Crow Head Lighthouse - it was closed by the time we got there, so we could not go in.
We checked and there was a geocache hidden nearby - we had to tromp through some pretty heavy grass but found it hidden in a few bricks...

Believe it or not, there is a box under one of those bricks.

Patti registered in the log and replaced the cache.

Back at our campgrounds, this is the view into Dildo Run, the bay that is just steps from our rig...

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