Thursday, October 24, 2019

The rolling of the scroll

In my Hebrew class, we are learning about the Torah portions - the names of the sections of scripture in the first 5 books of the Old Testament that are designated for reading each week. This past week, the last of the Torah was read, and this Saturday (Sabbath), the first section for the new year will be read. Our Hebrew teachers are planning to start reading / singing the Sidra on Thursdays (actually, it will be part of my class) with the first reading, B'Reisheet, today, Thursday, October 24. In preparation for that, in class on Tuesday, we "rolled the scroll"...
The scroll was almost to the end...

We rolled it out until we got to the very last words in Deuteronomy...

What would be Deut 34:12 in our Bibles with chapters and verses...
Then we started re-rolling back to the beginning.... Chazak, Chazak, v'Nit'chazek! (Be strong, be strong, and may we be strengthened!)

Eventually getting back to B'Reisheet - "In the beginning"
"In the beginning created God the heavens and the earth..." (Gen 1:1 in our Bibles with chapter and verse).

It is so cool to be learning these items of Jewish life and culture as well as Hebrew!

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