Carl and I made our last trip to pick up a food donation from Houston on last Monday.
Some pictures...
This was actually not from the latest trip - but... we learned to go with the Home Depot person (where we rent the Penske truck) when they go to do the inspection to make sure all damage is noted, taking pictures so we could let the return person know if necessary - this almost looked like the bumper was designed to be bent in! |
All of the trucks have scrapes along the sides - this one had a bent part on the corner too... |
At the warehouse, awaiting our load. |
We take quilts with us to wrap the food to help keep it cool... |
"I got in here, now how do I get out?" |
This particular load, we had a lot more produce than we could use on the center, and in large packaging that Crisis Ministries could not easily use, so we loaded some into the Jeep... |
A lot in the Jeep! |
And went to Union Gospel Mission the next morning to make a donation. |
Carl said he was going to start marking the boxes every time he moved them - one week, I think he figured he had moved some of the specific individual boxes 6 different times!
This past week, again we got a lot of produce... |
Loading it on... |
We ended up with 7 pallet stacks of food this past week - 6 refrigerated (mostly produce) and 1 of frozen food (meats, bread).
One of our co-workers got a picture of the Penske truck drivers after the food was unloaded. |
Note that I said we brought back 7 pallet stacks of food, but there are 13 empty pallets after unloading... some of the pallet stacks have a layer of boxes with another pallet on top - maybe part of the shipment got moved somewhere else and another partial pallet was put on top...
Even though it was a long drive each Monday, we enjoyed the time to talk and get to know each other even better!
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