Attention shoppers
Our shopping carts will lock if taken beyond our parking lot boundary. The boundary is marked by a series of special yellow lines.
How does that work?
Is there some magnetic field that causes the wheels to stop turning?
By the time I got to the parking lot, I forgot to look for the "special yellow lines" because I was so surprised by the color of the Jeep.
When I got to where I had parked the Jeep, I was wondering if this was, indeed, our Jeep. It looked like a black or deep purple color (instead of its normal red). |
The lights in the parking lot were yellow. My friend, Joe, had told us that a lot of the lights are special colors to help with night sky visibility at observatories. |
<<< I had written the above blog post to post and... then it turned out that Dwayne and I went back to the Walmart during the day a couple of days ago... so... this is the "rest of the story".
I dropped Dwayne off and he went in the store... I located a cart near the edge of the parking lot, and when I picked him up and explained the sign that I had seen, he was likewise wondering, "How does it do that?!?!?"
So, we drove to the cart that was near the edge...
We noticed that one of the front wheels looked "different" (the one on the right). |
We also found the "yellow line" though, I have to say, it was not very yellow! Maybe if we were there at night when the yellow lights are on??? |
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