Saturday, December 16, 2017

New gas struts

I blogged a few days ago about our difficulty in finding the code for one of the gas struts on the bus ( We were able to find the code number for a couple of others ones that we wanted to replace, so we ordered them from Orr & Orr and they came while we were at the Wilderness Lakes campground.
Dwayne preparing to remove the old strut...

Note that he has the door of the cabinet balanced on his head (as the strut would not hold it open).

Wow - the new strut is holding the door open with no problem. How nice to be able to work on things in the cabinet without having to hold it open with your head!!!
We also got replacement struts for the under bed storage. We ordered them a little stronger than the original ones. They are GREAT! I don't need to worry about the bed crashing down on top of me while I'm getting something out from under it! It is a little harder to close now - have to give it a bit more strength at the start, but definitely an improvement!!!

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