Tuesday, June 13, 2017


As Jimmy drove Miss Doozie on the way up from Texas, he felt that the drive-ability could be significantly improved with an alignment - an adjustment to the steering box, toe-in, and camber. Jimmy and Dwayne did some work on it and made some improvement...

Miss Doozie in the shop at the farm

Jimmy working under the front end (an "action" shot as he was moving as I took the picture).

I caught Dwayne studying the inside of his eyelids between turning the wheel based on Jimmy's requests.
Ultimately, Jimmy recommended that we take Miss Doozie to Thurston Spring Service to get an alignment done, so we did that on Monday.
Miss Doozie ready to go into the shop when the worker got back from lunch.

There she goes!
I found the scrap metal bin outside Thurston's to be quite interesting!

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