Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Crazy Horse Memorial

After lunch in Custer, we headed over to see the Crazy Horse Memorial.
The view from the parking lot...

Outline of horse's head can be seen marked on the stone face.

One of the scale models with the carving in-progress through the window beyond.

See next pictures for text:

There are many native American arts displayed in the hall.

A man and his wife were doing a dance exhibition outside - here he is explaining about what they are going to do...

She was finding the appropriate music on her smartphone...

Each of them dancing.

After the performance - Crazy Horse from this perspective...

A 1/34th scale model...

Statistics about the carving
From the sculptor

Pictures of the sculptor

Another model

The Buda engine that was used to power the drilling equipment in early years.
I was surprised at how little I remembered about the exhibits... and also how little progress seemed to have been made on the carving - I'm sure a lot has been done, but nothing else particularly visible since we were here in 2009. We visited Labor Day week in 2009... so I'm hoping that I posted some pictures on Facebook that will come up in the next few days in my Facebook memories (since I'm not exactly sure where the pictures from then might be located! Older ones I have scanned in and I know where they are... newer ones that were digital, uhm... not sure!) - anyway, if Facebook has some pictures that I can copy off, I'll compare!

While there may not be obvious work on the carving, it seems like much work has been done on recognizing and preserving culture, traditions, and living heritage of North American Indians.

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