We drove into Colorado on Sunday (and Miss Doozie collected another state - 3 in 3 days!). When we crossed over from Nebraska into Colorado, the land and its use looked much the same - flat with fields cultivated with crops. But in a little while, we were in more rolling land that appeared to be pastureland for cattle.
In Holyoke, CO, I saw something interesting - unfortunately, I didn't realize what it was until I was upon it, and I was driving so I didn't get a picture, but I found the location on Google Maps street view (
https://www.google.com/maps/@40.5855618,-102.3046853,3a,75y,71h,67.77t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdyX__Wqx0WJuadjj2Pb98Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656) and looked at it again:
I saw 3 prices, and I remember the bottom one was 8-something (like 836) and was wondering what kind of fuel price that was - the fuel stations had been showing 3 prices - for regular, "clear diesel" and "dyed diesel" (I think that was the terminology they were using for "off-road" diesel) - but nothing was costing anything like $8. As I got to the sign, it was showing prices for 3 kinds of grain, and, if I remember correctly, millet was the most expensive one. It was in front of a co-op - my thought is that it is the price list for what they were purchasing grain for... but I don't know! |
Eventually we started seeing the mountains in front of us...
Can you see any mountains amongst all the bug splatters on the windshield and haze in the sky? |
I called the Walmart - my Allstays app told me that they didn't allow overnight parking, but I thought I would call to ask... and they don't... but I called the Sam's Club next door, and the lady who talked with me said, "Sure, that is ok!" when I asked if we could park our motorhome in their lot overnight. We spent right at $350 at the fuel pumps so we parked near the fuel station in the Sam's parking lot. |
A quick trip into Sam's to pick up a couple of items, and I saw this! A 55 gallon drum of oil! Dwayne said that we could get it and carry it on the roof of Miss Doozie! Nah - I think the bulk oil fill is sufficient! |
We have arranged to take Miss Doozie in to get her awning inspected on Monday at The Great Outdoors RV. Our hope is that they will be able to complete the work quickly, and then we hope to get into those mountains!
Note: it is possible that we will again have limited internet service once we get into the mountains... I'll try to at least post a text update, but if you don't hear from us, it is probably ok!
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