We have certainly enjoyed our time in Santa Fe! Today was a day of errands/to-do's.
We had noticed that the front curb-side tire seemed to be continuing to lose air - not a lot, but it had lost about 5 psi in the 6 days we've been here, so this morning, we called a tire service that had a mobile repair guy and he came out to check the tire for us.
We used the hydraulic jacks to get the tire raised off the ground before the tire man got here. |
Jerry (the tire man) used his impact wrench to get the nuts off... it was about 8:30am... I'm sure our neighbors were thrilled! |
He used soapy water on the tire to determine if there were any leaks. He didn't find anything, but did determine that the valve stem was quite loose, so he tightened that. |
Jerry filled the tire with 110psi (what we run in the front tires) and put it back on the bus. He encouraged us to check it again this afternoon and in the morning and make sure that it was no longer losing air (it has not lost any more today, in fact, it is a little higher pressure now, since it is warmer). We re-checked the torque on this wheel as well as the tag axle wheels. Dwayne was putting the lug nut covers back on when I took this picture. |
We headed out to do errands, stopping at a battery store to try to get rid of some batteries that we have collected - they took the rechargeable ones and told us to put the single-use batteries in the trash.
We stopped back by Chocolate Maven (Celesta - they should give you a commission!) - this time I'm including a picture of the odd location where it is found - down an alley in a warehouse-like building. |
This time we were seated where we could see the working area - huge mixers back there! |
One of the guys used an automated rolling pin to roll the dough out to an even depth, then put it on the table right by the window to cut it into about 1" strips... |
Then he twisted the strips and coiled them into a circle... |
Eventually to become something like this! |
They seem to be a favorite of lots of folks in Santa Fe - having won "Best of Santa Fe" for almost every year since 2002! |
Then we had an Amazon order that I had sent to an Amazon locker. It is located at the Whole Foods Market - which is a VERY busy store with a SMALL parking lot. I was wondering why they would have it there - but then was reminded that Amazon owns Whole Foods now - and we get an additional discount on sale items as Prime members. |
The Amazon lockers just inside the doors... |
Put in your code.... |
And a locker door opens - in this case, somewhere above or below the screen... |
There it is! |
There are a few advantages for us to use Amazon lockers:
1) We don't need to be concerned whether the campground will accept packages for us or not.
2) If the package happens not to come in the time while we are here, it will be returned automatically for no additional charge after so many days (here it is 3 days, I don't know whether that is impacted by how popular/full the lockers are).
3) It is secure - in some campgrounds, they will allow UPS or FedEx to deliver to your site, but I always feel that we need to be there to accept it.
4) It doesn't matter how the package is shipped, it can be delivered to the Amazon locker. I think Amazon may ensure that packages destined for the Amazon locker are always sent UPS or FedEx (not USPS). For us to use USPS General Delivery, the shipper needs to pay for USPS postage (either for the whole trip or "last mile") or we have to pay a collection fee that is dependent on the weight of the package.
A final trip to Sam's to get gas for the Jeep, and we're ready to head out tomorrow. We're on our way toward Amarillo, TX, to check in to Palo Duro Canyon State Park on Wednesday, and see the show "Texas" on Wednesday evening. Hoping that a cold front might enter the panhandle of Texas in the next couple of days, but realizing that we will probably be dealing with rather warm (high-90s) days while we're there. After this short visit back in Texas, we're going to be looking for cooler temperatures!
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