Sunday, April 10, 2016

Night owls and morning people

We, Dwayne and Patti, have always been "Morning People".

Patti remembers her Mom saying that she was so thankful when brother Jimmy went to school and then came home and taught Pat to read when she was 4 so she would stay in bed and read in the morning rather than getting up and coming to get in bed with Mom and Dad and wake them into uneasy slumber from 4am to first light. As a little girl, Pat would ask her Mom if she could go to bed at 7:30-8pm. Mom couldn't believe that anyone would want to go to bed that early. Patti's Mom and brother Jimmy were "Night Owls". They didn't like getting up in the morning but could stay up until all hours of the night.

Dwayne remembers being both a "Night Owl" and a "Morning Person" as a kid. He would climb out the window in his bedroom and roam around at night when he was just 12, 13, 14 years old. But he says he would still get up in the morning and get to school with no problem.

While working, Patti and Dwayne both worked early hours. Dwayne would start work at 6:30am, and Patti was usually at her desk by 7:30am. Part of this was because a lot of co-workers were on eastern time (or in Europe, for Patti) and so it allowed us to overlap on more of our day.

Then came retirement in May and July, 2014. Suddenly, both Patti and Dwayne stopped being dyed-in-the-wool Morning People. In fact, it is unlikely that we have seen a sunrise since we retired. When required to get up for events in the morning, we can do it, but... left to our own devices, we enjoy being slow about getting up in the morning.

Now, this doesn't necessarily mean that we don't *wake* up early in the morning; usually we do, and often we just enjoy reading our Bibles and checking out things going on in the world before we get totally upright for the day!

On the other hand, Patti's brother, Jimmy, seems to have become more of a "Morning Person". Maybe now that his getting up is so he can accomplish things that *he* wants to do rather than things that someone else assigns makes it easier to get up?

Have others of our friends changed from Morning Person to Night Owl or vice versa?

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