Tuesday, July 14, 2015

All God's creatures are beautiful - sometimes it just takes the right perspective!

I know that God has a purpose for all creatures He has made, and many of them I find quite beautiful also, but I have to admit that buzzards and vultures are not high on my list of beautiful creatures.

While we were on the farm, Dwayne and I got to the point of taking on responsibility for feeding Henry. He gets a can-full of grain morning and evening. He is in a good sized pasture, and for most of the times, we would find him near the waterer, but... one morning he wasn't there. I called Jimmy via cellphone, and he indicated that Henry would probably be found in the trees near the back of the pasture right on the Woodhaven line. Jimmy suggested that we come get the pickup truck rather than traipsing all over by foot - so we did.

After feeding Henry, while heading back to the house, we noticed a dead snag of a tree liberally festooned with Black Vultures.

Many of them had their wings out as if sunning themselves or prepared to make a dive.

That evening, I went to deliver the feed to Henry by myself; while he was nearer the waterer (and the house), I knew the feed container that I needed to dump the grain in was way down near Woodhaven, so I drove the Jeep over to get it. A rainstorm had just passed through, so the sky was quite magnificent, and the snag with the Black Vultures looked almost other worldly!

I have to admit, that is beautiful, even if it is vultures!

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