Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Explore Bible Translation

A few weeks ago, I got an email from Wycliffe about a class that they offer - and it happens to be scheduled to occur on the campus where I am staying during May 13-18.

I wasn't sure whether I should try to go at this time or not - in some ways, it is perfect timing, allowing me to learn more about Bible translation right at the beginning of my stay here... but in other ways, it is not great timing - it is the last week that one of the other volunteers will be here before leaving for the summer, and the lady who has been doing the role and instrumental in defining what the volunteer office does is just going to be here through May, and so it takes away a week that I could use to spend time learning from her... but... I talked with several folks on campus and they all agreed that I should attend it now, so I've signed up.

I am really looking forward to learning about roles besides direct language translation - from the write-up:
This event is not only for those who have a background in languages. Our teams consist of all sorts of personnel, including those with training in education, the arts, HR, management, counseling, computer science, administration, finance, engineering, marketing, editing and more. Each person's unique gifting has a role to play in this ministry.
Please pray with me that God will use this event to help me understand His role for me, whether it be with Bible translation or in some other area.

I am grateful for you caring and praying for me!

1 comment:

  1. Yes Patti, I pray the Lord directs your path according to His will and purpose.
