Saturday, June 1, 2019

Another "funny" call at the Welcome Desk

Friday afternoons are "interesting" - often very quiet, but then multiple things happening at once....

There was a couple at the desk needing a parking pass, and the phone rang. The lady on the other end said, "This is Susan <somebody>, calling from Guam. I need to speak with Nancy."
Hmmm, I can't think of a "Nancy" off the top of my head, and if this person is calling in from Guam, it is long distance... let's move this along! So I asked, "Could I get the last name?"
She gave me her own last name again...
"No, I need Nancy's last name."
"Oh, I don't think I know her last name. She is Dr Cheng's assistant."
I start looking up Cheng... I find a few in our directory... Thinking that this is taking too long, I decide to punt it over to Mary... Put the caller on hold... Ask Mary if she knows a "Nancy" who is Dr Cheng's assistant.
Mary gives me a mirror image of the blank look that I know is on my own face....
I go back to the caller and say, "Are you sure that Nancy works at the International Linguistics Center?"
Caller: "What?!?!?"
Patti: "The International Linguistics Center"
Caller: "Is that who I called?"
Patti: "Yes..."
Caller: "Is the number?: 971-nnn..."
Patti: "No, our number starts with 972..."
Caller: "Oh, okay."   Click...

Another satisfied customer on the phone lines!  Ha!

Finally I got back to the couple needing the parking pass!

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