Sunday, June 25, 2017

One year ago

Facebook has a feature that it reminds you of things you posted on "this" date on previous years... last year on this day, I woke up on a Saturday morning with Dwayne being in severe pain. He ended up having emergency surgery at the Hershey Penn State Medical Center for a possible bowel obstruction.

As I re-read my blog post relating that information from last year, I was reminded of how quickly things can change. I am so thankful that the problem was not any more serious than it was, and, actually, Dwayne felt a lot better with regard to his back pain for several weeks following that episode - we wonder if the pain blocker that they left in to deal with post-surgery pain helped with that.

Here are a couple of more recent pictures of my honey:
We found a work apron in the storage container and Dwayne decided to try it out to see if it helped him not to get his clothes so dirty... the jury is still out...

... but, if the apron gets discarded when he is doing dirty jobs, like tightening the lug nuts on the tag axle wheel, I think it is unlikely to provide much help!!!

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