Friday, September 30, 2016

Getting scanning done

We are still in Clinton, Indiana. The weather is cool and rainy, a good time to do some inside tasks.

So, I'm getting some photos scanned in. We have two large boxes of photos to scan in - each large box contains many file boxes of photos... and I'm about 1/3 done with one file box - argh!

From 1995, I have some pictures from a trip to Virginia for a family reunion... These don't have any labels on them - so I need help with identifying people.

In the top picture, I recognize Uncle Jim, third from the left, I think Jimmy is standing in the background, as is Regina, and Aunt Grace second from the right sitting down. I can't identify the other people.
Is that Pooh next to Regina? (Is that how she spelled her name?) And who is the man next to Aunt Grace and who is the baby he is holding?
 Who is the man between Jimmy and Regina? I think Mildred Christian is sitting in front of them.
I don't know who the curly haired man and child on top of the swing set are.
 A closer picture of the man and child.
Jimmy and Ginny(?) playing volleyball?

Mom (Ollie) with ? and ?

These were from the next day - we evidently drove down to the courthouse and Dad (Clarence) was showing us his office and computer.

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