Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Las Vegas high-tech garage

We went to a HUGE outlet mall here in Las Vegas yesterday... it was a rainy day, so we thought, "Go to the mall, good place to walk around..." Unfortunately, it was an outdoor mall - a nice one to be sure, but still not all that pleasant in the rain. We were surprised at how many people were there, and a large majority were Asian, and a lot of the people there had suitcases.... many of the suitcases looked very new which made us wonder if they had been purchased at the mall, but there were some that looked beat-up enough to know that they were not new. I remember participating in conferences in Las Vegas and needing to check out of the hotel room early on the last day and then having to check my luggage with the bellman and pick it up when I was ready to head to the airport. I am thinking that the flights to Asia may leave in the evening and folks were just killing time at the outlet mall before going to the airport.

The parking garage was pretty high-tech, in my opinion...
At the entrance, there were icons and numbers... I *think* this indicated how many parking spots were available on each level. The numbers were totally readable in person, but I noticed even when I took the picture that the lines were moving around in the photo view... though they weren't moving to my eye's perception. I didn't know what the different icons on the left were telling me, but it appeared that there was parking on all of the levels, so I decided to follow the car in front of me to look for parking on the first level.

Down the row of parking spaces, there was a light over each space indicating whether it was occupied or not... you can see the front of the Jee-rage there, and a few spots down there is another available space indicated by the green light -- I put the green arrow on the picture to point it out since the lights are pretty small to see in the picture.
We got the items that we went there to get and then headed "Back to 'de bus" and out of the rain and traffic!

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