Thursday, February 22, 2018


I mentioned a few weeks/months ago that I've been enjoying watching "Escape to the Country" on YouTube (from BBC). It is also educational as the host or the property buyers usually spend part of the show examining something of the local area.

On this one:
at about 15:30 in the recording, the buyers visited a farm growing rapeseed for the oil.

When we've visited Europe, we've enjoyed beautiful fields of the yellow flowers. What I did not know (until watching that video) was that the oil was not considered to be human consumable until Canadian researchers created a variety in the 1970s that was lower acid and therefore acceptable to human consumption - called Canola for CANadian Oil Low Acid. Did you know that???

Note: in internet research, I have found that most places say that Canola just means "Canadian Oil" (nothing to do with "low acid").

Note 2: We have begun purchasing expeller-pressed Canola oil to use for our "oil and spices" bread - we like putting oil in a dish and then adding spices to it, and then dipping the bread into the oil and spices. The Canola oil has a lighter flavor than the olive oils that we had been using.
We also like the Kroger organic brand - Simple Truth Organic Expeller Pressed Canola Oil

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