Monday, April 1, 2019


Today was the day that I made the decision to put Tabitha to sleep... she had been getting worse and worse, she had not eaten for a couple of weeks, though she was still drinking, and... up until the last day or so, she would purr when I brushed her or petted her... but that stopped a couple of days ago, and I knew it was time.

The odd thing is that she has been wanting to be on my lap in the past few weeks - I don't know whether it was because she knew I was sad about Dwayne or whether she wanted the comfort of being close. Here are a couple of "selfies" that I took a couple of weeks ago.

She also had starting coming to the front part of the bus... I definitely think this was due to Dwayne being gone, she was very cautious around Dwayne (no reason for her to be, she was just odd that way). Previously, she would stay in the bedroom and maybe come into the bathroom area (that's where the kitty privy is). With Dwayne no longer being in the bus, she started using the water dish in the kitchen area of the bus and sleeping on the floor in the kitchen or the front part of the bathroom area hallway. So, her personality had changed a bit in the last weeks of her life.

She had lost a lot of weight... when I took her to see Dr Bill a few weeks ago, he said that, if cats don't die of something else before they get old (e.g. cancer, heart issues), they all ultimately die of kidney failure, and that is what she was dealing with. I probably waited too long to take her to have her put to sleep, but I just wasn't ready to make the decision. I kept on praying that I would wake up one morning to find that she had died overnight... but... that's not the way it was intended to be.

Good-bye, sweet girl... I'll miss you...

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