Sunday, April 2, 2017

I think Max must have missed us

On Saturday afternoon, Dwayne went to get his hair cut (I didn't do a very good job on it when I tried doing it last week), and I stayed in the bus outside the house and was going back and forth doing laundry. At one point when I was heading into the house, I heard a plaintive kitty cat cry. I wondered if Miss Kitty was looking out the window and crying, but then I realized it was Max. He came out from under the bus and wanted attention.
"Where have you been?"

"I've missed getting my head scratched."

"Not to mention my shoulders"

"How could you go away and leave and not tell me where you were going?"

"Ooooohhhh, it feels SO good to scratch my back in your yard."

Max "belongs" to neighbors Eddie and Elizabeth, but he would always be around when we were doing anything outside or in the garage. I guess he missed us!

I got a reminder from Facebook today (April 2) that 8 years ago I posted this as my status: "is enjoying the combination of colors in my backyard - the bright green of spring grass, the rich red of the 'California redwood' stained fence, and the beautiful orange of our 'next door' cat, Max!" - so Max must be getting up in years! He still acts like he feels great though.

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