Saturday, May 13, 2017

Finishing up the French drain project

I posted a few days ago about the projects we were working on at the house ( I thought I should report on the completion of the project with the French drains.

We decided to get Roto-Rooter out to clear the drains. We had checked on renting a piece of equipment from Home Depot, but there were a LOT of warnings and cautions associated with it. I even called a couple of folks who did drain cleaning and one of them wouldn't do French drains at all because the pipes were so thin and could be damaged. But, Roto-Rooter would do it, and they could come out the same day.

As the Roto-Rooter guy was letting the cable feed in, Dwayne was tracking its progress so it could be reversed before it exited the drain. It was really odd to hear it gobbling away underground - like a subway train chomping away on roots. You could feel it under your feet too.

This is the "after" picture - we moved the exit point a few feet further toward the street so the pop-up valve would be on the surface of the ground and less likely to get trapped under grass over-growth. We also got two squares of sod to repair where we had dug up the grass.

This picture will record about where the exit point is in case the new owners need to know at some time in the future!

And a picture of the house as it looks now - the flowers in the front triangular beds are looking nice now. We are so excited for the new owners to take possession and start enjoying this house!

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