Monday, October 14, 2019

How do we pray?

Several years ago I heard a Christian speaker and comedienne, Iris Blue.

One of the things that I remember from her was, "As Christians, we spend more time trying to pray people out of heaven than pray people in..."

She went on to say that, particularly in our prayer meetings, we spend time praying for healing of our friends and loved ones who follow Christ (who, if they pass away, would be in heaven), but rarely are even comfortable *sharing* that we *have* a family member or friend who is not following Jesus. We lie to ourselves, "He walked the aisle when he was 8." "She was baptized as a teenager." "He isn't living the way that he ought to be, but I'm sure he is saved." Ultimately, we could be condemning them to a life in hell.

I don't remember really anything else she said (although I remember that she was funny!) - but that poignant thought...

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