Sunday, October 27, 2019

I don't like snakes...

Have I mentioned that I don't like snakes?

I decided to dump the tanks yesterday...

I have always banged on the wet bay door before opening it, not wanting to scare anything that might be hidden in there (more precisely, wanting to give fair warning to anything hidden in there so *it* would not scare *ME*). I didn't bang yesterday, and I didn't see any critter, but 
You probably can't tell what that thing is that is below the red rag...
 Here, let me zoom in on it...
It is a snake skin...
So a snake has been in there... (I was trying to come up with an alternate explanation, like, someone found the snakeskin and put it in there... yeah, no, I don't think that's it either...)

Oh, I do NOT like snakes
Dwayne used to tell me that it was Biblical that I not like snakes (enmity between the woman and the snake - Genesis 3:15). 
I just DON'T LIKE THEM... 

Argh! Where else might the snake go? Can it get from the wet bay into other parts of the bus?!?!? Argh! 

Did I mentioned that I don't like snakes

Not a happy camper... 

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