Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Sparkle Magic

I blogged about our "Sparkle Magic" light when we first got it in November of last year ( But, Sparkle Magic is not just for Christmas time!!! We have been enjoying having our Sparkle Magic light shining on the cedar trees around our campsite here at Lake Whitney. We've had a neighbor or two come ask what we've used to put the lights in the trees.

Dwayne did a timed exposure with his camera and his wide lens - 60 seconds, ISO1600, F/7.1, lens: EF-S10-22mm F/3.5-4.5USM.

Since the exposure was open for a long time, it makes the lights inside the bus seem a lot brighter. You may be able to see some stars in the sky too - each of them is a little elongated rather than a dot as they moved that much during the 60 second exposure. And, we think the elongated look to the lights on the tree are due to the tree branches moving some during the exposure.

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