Friday, February 10, 2017

Interesting tidbits

We met friends at Mr Fish Fish and Chips for a late lunch today. They have an information book at each table with odd factoids.... I have not verified any of these items, but found them interesting...

I want to know who enforces the law preventing dogs and cats from fighting...

Jimmy and Regina: you may want to post the Virginia law in the chicken house so your chickens don't run a-fowl of the law... ;-)

I wonder if Kentucky specifically requires a person to take a *bath* and that a shower is not sufficient.

Glad to know that the code of 1930 allows for corrupt practices and bribery by political candidates...

I'm a bit concerned about whether having pliers on our bus would be considered as "in our possession" in Texas.

How is "Arkansas" pronounced? And, can the google car be operated in Illinois?

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