Monday, October 26, 2015

On the road again... or... maybe not...

We were scheduled to leave the campground this morning, and were all ready to leave, but heard a strange, rhythmical sound (repetitive with the rolling motion) coming from the front driver's side wheel. After a lot of listening and looking, we determined that there was a piece of metal loose in there that was going around inside the rim.

We took pictures and sent them to Jimmy. He recommended that we get someone out to take the wheel off and see where this piece broke off from. So, we've called CoachNet and are waiting for the service company they identified to come to take the wheel off.

We were blessed that we had not yet left the campground when we heard it, and that the campground was large enough and empty enough that we could drive around quite a lot to diagnose it. We were also blessed that the campground has an empty spot and we're on a concrete pad which should make it easier for the service person to be able to get to the wheel.

I was thinking about the blessings of an enforced wait. We had something similar happen when we were driving from Montgomery, TX to Escapees a couple of weeks ago - the low air indicator kept on going off. That turned out not to be anything to be concerned about, but it could be that God protected us from something along the way by slowing us down some. Or that we were able to meet someone that He wanted us to meet who wouldn't have been at the place where we were if we had arrived when we planned to arrive.

Dwayne reminded me of the Israelites in the desert who depended upon God to tell them when to go and when to stop, guiding them by a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day. We have the Holy Spirit Who guides and directs, if we listen. Sometimes He may need to cause the low air indicator to go off, or a piece of metal to come loose in a tire rim to have us stop long enough to listen.

I pray for ears that are more attune to His leading!

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