Our stay at Newport ended today, and we drove to Crescent Bar RV Resort outside of Quincy, Washington.
It seemed a little less smokey at the campground in Newport this morning, but it was VERY smokey as we got in to Spokane.
It almost looks like thick fog, but it is smoke. Maybe a mile visibility, but probably less. |
We took I-90 west, and it was smokey the whole way -- but... I took this picture for the things coming up on the right... |
They are a little more in view now... |
Now maybe you can see that they are round bale hay storage under tarps (they almost look like circus tents). |
I didn't get pictures in Montana and Wyoming - but there they seem to store the hay out in the open - in large (3-4 bale high) stacks, frequently fenced off, but no protection from weather. I had come to the conclusion that it didn't rain enough to be a problem, and maybe not enough snow to be a problem either. But... here, I guess at least the snow might be a problem, if not the rain?
We have also come into a very agricultural (irrigated) area. On the interstate, and on the highway that we took from the interstate, there are signs designating what is growing in the fields - we saw carrots, sweet corn, field corn, grain corn (how is that different from field corn? maybe field corn is feed for animals like cows and horses, and grain corn would make cornmeal or corn flakes?), honeycrisp apples, alfalfa, green manure (I looked this up and it sounded like what I've heard my brother called a "cover crop" - where it isn't going to be harvested but rather will be used as organic matter to nourish the soil), cherries, beans (though the field labeled as "beans" looked like corn to me), fuji apples (other varieties of apples - and it appears to be harvest time so we're going to try to check them out!)... I'm hoping I'll be able to get some pictures from the Jeep if we drive back through those areas - the signs were right next to the road and parallel to the road which meant that capturing a picture while we were moving was not possible.
The campground is right on the Columbia River. It looks like it will be very pretty if the smoke clears out... not sure whether that will happen before we're scheduled to leave, however... |
Looking back up toward Miss Doozie and the Jeep. We came down from the cliff there behind Miss Doozie to get to the campground. It isn't a very large campground, but so far we think we like it a lot and are hoping that the winds shift to allow us to have a day or two without so much smoke. Even though it looks very smokey here, it is not as objectionable as it was in Newport or Spokane. |
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