Friends Rick and Jackie ( had recommended that we hike up Teapot Hill - it is near our campground, and though they told us it was a bit steep, the reward was the treasure hunt for teapots that folks have left along the trail... and it was fun!
Walking up from the parking lot... |
Took us to a forest access road - broad and easy (though uphill) walking. |
This map showed us where we were (the red "X") and where we were going (Tea Pot Hill on the left center side). |
I had just said, "I haven't seen any teapots yet" when we spied this one... |
A close up of the first one we saw. |
I had been thinking that the "Keebler Elf" doors of many of the trees would be a good place for a teapot... |
When I spied this one in an "elfen doorway" |
We could see that there was a sign up ahead... |
Sure enough, it directed us on the path to Teapot (or Tea Pot) Hill. |
Sometimes there were teacups and saucers... |
Or just saucers (this one was dated Sept 14, 2017, so it was just placed recently). |
Some were hung from trees... |
Placed on stumps... |
Of course, my favorite - a kitty pot! |
The woods were beautiful - lots of moss covering branches, ferns on the ground... |
Most of the teapots were ceramic.... |
I laughed when I saw this one - how appropriate! |
I thought this was a pretty one - but it wasn't until we were on our way down that I saw the one in the hollow that is just cut off on the right side of the picture - see the brown top barely in the picture? I couldn't imagine that I totally missed it, and wondered if one of the other hikers placed it after we passed going up, but... this picture proved to me that I just wasn't observant! |
Pretty yellow teapot... |
At the top there was a chain link fence (that allowed us to know that we were at the top!). |
We could barely recognize our campground in the distance - it was a rainy cloudy day... |
A little view of Cultus Lake - would have been nicer if it were sunny, but tomorrow is predicted to have the same weather, so... we decided to make the hike this afternoon. |
Some of the tea pots looked like they had been personally decorated. |
The Corningware tea pot reminded us of Aunt Libby's in which she used to make iced tea... |
Some of the tea pots were placed so high up - Dwayne wonders if they brought a ladder up to get them placed... it would have been quite a piece to carry a ladder. |
Here's a shot of Dwayne on the path with a teapot above his head level on the left. |
Even though it was a rainy afternoon, we enjoyed a 2+ hour hike up and back. I was surprised how many teapots I saw on the way down that I had not seen on the way up - obviously people thought about making both ways of the hike enjoyable!
Note: if you are tired of looking at teapot pictures, just be aware that I culled down - originally I had 80+ pictures!!!
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