Friday, September 1, 2017

Joni Eareckson Tada

A few weeks ago, I found some posts from/about Joni Eareckson Tada that impacted me... I thought I would share them with you in case you also find them impactful:
I really would rather be in this wheelchair knowing Jesus as I do than be on my feet without him.
Back in the early ’70s when I was starting to take seriously Christ’s lordship in my life, my friends didn’t merely tell me biblical truth: “Here, believe this. Rejoice in your trial. It’ll do you a world of good.” Instead, they hooked up their spiritual veins to mine, pumping compassion into my wounded soul. Com means “with” and passion means “Christ’s suffering.” They literally were Christ-with-me-in-suffering.
What a wonderful insight into the word, "Compassion" - "Christ-with-me-in-suffering".

“God permits what he hates to accomplish what he loves.”
I shared this video a few weeks ago:

Some of the gems from it:
Many people want to pray for my physical healing ... I never say "no"... but... when someone says, "Can I pray for you?"
"Yes, of course, I would love to get out of this wheelchair. But can I give you some specifics on how you can pray? Pray that I would quit cherishing inflated ideas of my own importance. Please pray that I would quit keeping a record of other peoples wrongs. Please pray that I will pop that hot air balloon of pride that often crops up. Please pray that I will stop reading my own press releases. Please pray that I will quit being so anxious about my future and fearful. Please pray that I .... I list sin after rebellion after fear after worry after anxiety - These are the things I need to be healed of."
As we pray each evening for many of our friends and family who are dealing with physical trials, we pray that God will be glorified, even in the midst of their physical difficulties.We pray that God might be glorified even in the midst of our weakness. We don't pray for an easy path, but we do pray to be on God's path.

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