Sunday, September 30, 2018

Another day at the Virginia State Fair

We went back to the State Fair on Sunday - there were a few things going on at the Dairy barn, but we headed across the street to see what was going on on the North side of the fairgrounds.
Dwayne and I decided, "Eat more cherries!"
We got to the "Best in Show" tent in time to see a few of the 4-H'ers and their Dog Agility Show.

They did well, but we didn't see any that would make it onto "Amazing Animals"...

A "Silkie" chicken...

And the Poultry Grand Champion!

Niece-by-love Kendra won first with her vegetable assortment basket. There may have been other awards too... that was the only one I noticed.

"It's the GREAT PUMPKIN, Charlie Brown!!!"

Pumpkins and gourds and watermelons, oh my!

Huge pumpkins!

And a new record holder for the giant watermelon at the VA State Fair - 254 pounds!!!

FFA groups had decorated hay bales...

 Then to the creative arts area...
A cow quilt! The quilts were displayed up high which was nice because you could see them, but they weren't very handy for taking pictures...

The optical illusion on the one on the right was neat!

An interesting carved bat and ball...

This is more of a close-up on that optical illusion quilt - taken from underneath where it was hanging.

Beautiful quilts, creative people!

A doggie quilt!

Back at the Dairy barn - I wanted to capture the way that the spots on this red-and-while Holstein were outlined...

One of her spots is a nice heart! As I understand it, when they are clipped down for the show, this shadowing pigmentation in their skin is exposed.
Lots to see, lots of walking - no problem achieving daily step goals at the State Fair!

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